Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Economics Land Reform Essay

Lesson on LAND REFORM Land Reform – refers to the full range of measures that maybe taken to improve or remedy the defects in the relations among men with respect to their rights in Land. – Integrated set of measures designed to eliminate obstacles to economic and social development arising out of defects in the Agrarian structure. Agrarian Structure (also known as structural reform) is defined as a complex set of relationship within the agricultural sector between Tenure Structure, Production Structure, and Structure of Supporting services. 3 types: 1. Land Tenure Structure – is a concept which refers to one or more types of Land Tenure Systems regulating the rights to ownership, control and usage of Land and the duties accompanying such rights. 2. Production Structure – is a concept which relates to the nature, type and modus operandi as well as the actual process of production or farm operation. 3. Structure of Supporting Services – is a concept which involves matters like credit, marketing, the supplying of agricultural requisites, processing, storage and other technical assistance in so far as they have some immediate bearing on reforms of tenure and production structures. Agrarian Reform – (wider than Land Reform) the term comprises not only Land Reform but also the reform and development of complimentary institutional framework. It encompasses all programs designed to bring about improvement in all the institutions surrounding farm life. It is concerned not only with the farmer and the land he tills but also with the community he lives in. Philippine Agrarian Structures The pattern of land ownership in the Phils. Has been historically the major cause of social unrest. – by 1960, the problem of tenancy was far from being solved. Some 41% of all farms were cultivated by tenants as compared to 37% in 1948. – Tenancy is still deeply ingrained in our agrarian structure despite numerous land reform attempts of the government. – The problem was even more explosive in the rice – growing, the rate of tenancy was higher (31% in 1971). – These figures explain why the HUK influenced was strongest in Central Luzon and Cagayan Valley. It even resulted to: a. social time bomb in Negros Occidental and b. Sakdalista rebellion in Cabuyao Laguna Evils of Landlordism 1. Inquilinato System – under this system, the tenant bore all the risks. The absentee landlord merely waited for the harvest and collected annual rent. 2. Kasama System – the tenant usually furnished the land, farm tools, seeds and expenses for transplanting and harvesting. Although the sharing was regulated by la, abuses by the Land Lord continued unabated because of the weaker position of the tenants. 3. Takipan System – the tenant paid back two cavans of palay for every cavan that he borrowed. The rate of 100%. 4. Talindua and Terciahan – under the former, the rate of interest was 50%, under the latter, 33% or 1/3. If the Loan had been made in cash and was payable in kind, the scheme called for a 50-75% interest. 5. Latifundia – was the wrong kind of paternalism that it bred in some regions particularly in the Western Visayas. Under this system, the tenant goes to the Landlord for money when someone in the family died nor got married, birth, for school fees, harvest is damaged etc. †¢ Landlordism was often an unjust and inequitable system. But, even more, it was an obstacle to economic progress, because, our farmers were hindered from rising agricultural productivity, a must for long-run growth. LAWS OF AGRARIAN REFORM 1. P.D. 27 – law to emancipate the farmer from the bandage of soil – first law on Agrarian Reform (Oct. 21, 1972) 2. R.A. 1199 – Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954 (Amended by R.A. 2263) 3. R.A. 1400 – Land Reform Act of 1955 4. R.A. 3844 – Agricultural Land Reform Code of 1963 (Amended by R.A. 6384) 5. R.A. 6369 – Agrarian Reform special fund (1973) 6. PD No. 2 – declaring the entire Phil. As Land Reform area (1972) 7. E.O. No. 228 – declaring full land ownership to qualified farmer beneficiaries covered by PD 27. (July 17, 1987) 8. R.A. 6657 – Comprehensive Agrarian Reform law (1988) 9. E.O. 229 and Proc # 131 – Instituting a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program 1987. Imperatives of Agrarian Reform a. Farmers to be independent landowners, increase their production, set them free from poverty and debt, and make them dignified participants in nation building. b. would liberate the capital for investment in new industries, which would increase production and provide employment to the expanding population and raise standard of living. c. It will correct the present imbalance in our society where there are enormous concentrations of land, wealth and power in the hands of a few. d. Not least, the land reform program will make democracy truly meaningful to the people. Lecture # 2 TAXATION Taxation – is the act of laying at tax, ie., the process or means by which the sovereign, through its law – making body, raises revenues to defray the necessary expenses of government. Taxes – are the enforced proportional contributions from persons and property levied by the Law-making body of the state by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the government and all public needs. IMPORTANCE AND PURPOSE OF TAXATION a. Provide funds to promote general welfare and protection of its citizens b. to finance government’s multifarious activities and c. it is the lifeblood of the nation ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TAX 1. It is an enforced contribution 2. It is generally payable in money 3. It is proportionate in character 4. It is levied by the state which has jurisdiction over the person or property 5. it is levied on person and property 6. It is levied by the law-making body of the state and; 7. it is levied for the public purposes THEORY AND BASIS OF TAXATION 1. Existence of government is necessary. That it cannot continue without means to pay its expenses, thus it has a right to compel all its citizens and property within its limit to contribute. 2. The basis of taxation is found in the reciprocal duties of protection and support between the state and its inhabitants. (Benefit received principle) NATURE OF POWER OF TAXATION 1. It is inherent in sovereignty 2. it is legislative in character 3. it is subject to constitutional and inherent limitations CLASSIFICATIONS AND DISTINCTIONS 1. As to subject matter or object: a. Personal or Capitation – Tax of a fixed amount imposed on individual, residing within a specified territory. b. Property – imposed on property, whether real or personal. c. Excise – any tax which does not fall within the classification of a poll property tax. 2. As to purpose a. General, Fiscal, or Revenue – imposed for the general purposes of the government’s b. Special Regulatory – imposed for special purposes to achieve some social or economic ends irrespective of whether revenue is actually raised or not. 3. As to scope for Authority a. National – Tax imposed by the national government’s b. Municipal – or local – imposed by municipal or public corporations 4. As to determine of Account a. Specific – tax of fixed amount imposed by the head or number or by some standard of weight or measurement. b. Ad Valorem – Tax of a fixed proportion of the value of the property w/ respect to which the tax is assessed. 5. As to whom hears the burden a. Direct – Tax which is demanded from the person who also shoulders the burden fo the tax b. Indirect – demanded from one person in the expectation and intention that he should indemnity himself at the expenses of another. (ex. VAT) 6. As to Graduation or Rate a. Proportional – tax based on a fixed percentage of the amount of the property, income or other basis to be taxed. b. Progressive or graduated – Tax the rate of which increases as the tax base or bracket increases. c. Regressive – tax the rate of which decreases as the tax base or bracket increases. (we don’t have this kind). OTHER TERMS DISTINGUESHED FROM TAX 1.Revenue – refers to all the income derived by the government. (Tax is included as revenue). 2. Internal Revenue – refers to taxes imposed by the legislature other than duties on imports and exports. 3. Custom Duties – Taxes imposed on goods exported from or imported into a country. 4. Debt – Tax is not a debt. Debt is based on contract, it is assignable, maybe paid in kind and person w. debt cannot be imprisoned 5. Penalty – punishment for violation of law NATIONAL TAXES Income – ( for purposes of Tax) all wealth which flows into the tax payer other than as a mere return on capital. Income Tax – tax on a persons income, profits and the like realized in one taxable year. Gross Income –all income but not including exempt income and income subject to final income tax. Example are: 1. salaries/wages services including fees 2. commissions 3. sale of and other dealings in business 4. interests and rents 5. dividends and securities and 6. income derived form gambling and illegal means

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Individual players Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to investigate whether or not team cohesion has an impact on an individual players performance within a rugby team. The assignment will look into whether (if there is a impact at all) the impact is negative or positive, and how that relates to the different types of players in different ways. The research will look into the methods of increasing or decreasing cohesion within a rugby team e.g. nights on the town. Group dynamics is an interactive process and is concerned with changing patterns of tension, with conflict, adjustments and the building of cohesion within a group. The way a group is affected by dynamics helps determine the way in which leadership and dominant sub group patterns emerge. Therefore this influences players behavioural patterns and how attitudes are altered in the short and long term. These changes can be temporary or permanent. An example of this, relating to rugby, would be the emergence of a captain, vice captain, the first team players and the substitutes. A players status in the team is a major factor in there powers of influence but the character of a player is also very important. A player who does not attend regularly and has no status can have a major influence on the team, this depends on the players ability to impose there ideas, experience, and skill on the team. Shaw described a group as:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦.two or more people interacting with one another in such a manner that each person influences and is influenced by each other person.†Ã‚  Woods said that one of the defining features of a group is that  Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦.Its members having common beliefs, usually unspoken, about what is acceptable and unacceptable, how things are done†¦.†Ã‚  In sport groups are usually seen in the form of a team. There are many different types of teams within the game of rugby, such as, the playing team, the coaching team, and the management team. There are a team of supporters in the form of the crowd. Cohesion is a term closely associated with group dynamics and is a two way process, it can be defined as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The degree in which members of the group desire to remain in the group†(internet 2  Or  Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦individuals attracted to a group through common motivation and value the relationships within a group†(Galligan).   In the case of a rugby team the common goal would be to win matches, or at a lower level simply to participate in the game. The English national team now has a common. Goal of trying to win the world cup, my research would indicate that the national team is very cohesive and do value the relationships within the group. There success in recent years would be proof of this, as a very high cohesion relates to successful results. â€Å"One is always hearing about how important it is for a team to gel, bond or have good chemistry. Cohesive teams can achieve dramatic and awesome things. The way players interact has a tremendous impact on the way a team performs.†(Internet 1)  How well England do in the world cup will be a good indication to whether success is related to cohesion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

About digital marketing but the title is not set yet Thesis

About digital marketing but the title is not set yet - Thesis Example It has come with its advantages for businesses that can adapt early. Firms which could not cope with the changing rules of the digital world would necessarily tend to lose their competitiveness. Digital Marketing is a constantly developing area with a need for Digital Marketing Strategies. Established organizations have their conventional marketing plans and strategies which comprise the status quo, but the attention of a large segment of target audiences have gravitated towards digital mediums such as the web, mobile and digitally social world which connects both. In a high speed changing area, developing strategies is not easy. Day by day new advertisement and sales channels emerge and ongoing marketing strategies may not adapt to the new technologies, mediums and behaviors. The strategies to be set must be flexible to enable any new developments, and the new mediums and technologies must be adapted to the current strategies. As a result of the inflexible marketing strategies which refuse to accommodate the changing mediums and technologies, new companies emerge daily that can better compete with the established traditional firms. The dissertation will address the problem of the integration of digital marketing strategies in the overall marketing strategy of business organizations and the difficulties attendant thereto. The need for integrating digital technology into marketing processes is in response to new customer demand patterns that are influenced by the new media. (2) Describe the hard elements (structure, strategy and systems) which retail businesses with digital marketing needed to adopt in developing their respective digital marketing capability. Describe the processes required to adapt the business to its new capability. (3) Describe the soft elements (staff, style and skills) which retail businesses with digital marketing needed to adopt in developing their

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is gender culture With reference to Sabrina Petra Ramet's paper Essay

What is gender culture With reference to Sabrina Petra Ramet's paper Gender Reversals and Gender Cultures - Essay Example ies regarding the type of gender differences, the levels of gender inequality, and the amount of violence that is necessary to maintain both systems of difference and domination. Following Ramet (1996): ]Gender culture† â€Å"is meant a society’s understanding of what is possible, proper, and perverse in gender-linked behavior, and more specifically, that set of values, mores, and assumptions which establishes which behaviors are to be seen as gender –linked† (2). Gender culture is a socially constructed phenomenon which reflects social values and perception of male and female members by others. This process occurs through a complex interaction of identification processes, symbol systems, and social institutions, gender differences are produced--typically in the form of a dichotomy that not only opposes masculinity to femininity but also translates these oppositional differences into gender hierarchy, the privileging of traits and activities defined as masculine over those defined as feminine. Ramet (1996) explains that: â€Å"gender cultures also define the limits of social tolerance and, in this regard, may be seen within the scope of the overarching cultural system as a whole† (3). Similar ideas are expressed by Moir and Jessel (1992) who stated that it is important to recognize the cultural variation in how gender differences are formed and expressed, it is also important to stress the political nature of gender as a system of diff erence construction and hierarchical dichotomy production that is constitutive of almost all contemporary societies. In societies, gender is about power, and power is gendered (115). Dress, make-up and occupation are vivid examples of ‘gender culture’ For instance, â€Å"Casting a woman in the role of King Lear or Hamlet tantalizes the audience with veiled allusions to female gender culture, and prompts questions about the gender ambiguity of behavior â€Å"(Ramet 7). Ramet underlines that sexual differences in certain adaptive

Gender and Surrealism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Gender and Surrealism - Essay Example The paper "Gender and Surrealism" analyzes surrealism art in the context of gender. It would equally be necessary to indicate that surrealism had emanated as a movement, which encompassed both literature and art, and had flourished in Europe in between the first and Second World War. It should clearly be noted that surrealism, as many believe, is not a negation theory, but a positive expression through different literature and art, that support certain positive attributes in the society. It depicted directly the scenario as it was in the post world war Europe, where politics and culture had enjoyed great dominance. In the early 1900, surrealists had a dear tendency to shape constructions to relay and depict sexuality and gender, and to be more specific, masculinity. Many feminist personalities by then had forged criticism on the surrealist approaches of gender, where the woman’s body had been deemed to be of symptomatic of the man misogyny. The man, during that time, was seen to have great influence on how the woman thought about him, considering the man had been integrated fully in the vision to bring peace during and after the World War I. The feminists continue to criticize surrealism, insisting that it was meant to be a male movement and fellowship. This is amidst the celebration of women surrealists such as Dorothea Tunning and Leonora Carrington, who liven between 1971 and 2011. The critics have been on the basis that the movement has continuously pioneered negative attributes relating to women.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Negative or Bad News Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negative or Bad News - Assignment Example At this point of time, we cannot hand over speakership to Ms Rivera because her technology is different from what we want to highlight in this session of Annual Conference. So we can say that specifically we have to refuse Ms Rivera about her request. It might be possible that Ms Rivera will think that we do not value our working relationships. She may also feel that her sacrifices for our company had no worth at all. She will feel down and negative about the company because she is very much willing to promote her latest technology in the High Tech Annual Conference. It can be expected that Ms Rivera will not be on the same good terms after this refusal just because we are not agree to give her company the speakership of the Annual Conference. In our case, the primary audience is Maribel Rivera, the owner of another manufacturing company who is supporting our company and this Annual Conference from last 8 years. She is always there for handling any problem. She even took the responsibility of a presentation at the last moment when one of our presenters refused to take part in the conference in the last years’ conference. It may be possible that this message will put a negative effect on our good and sound relationships. In addition to it, it is also possible that she will not attend our Annual Conference for the appreciation of technology. In order to minimize the negative impact of the message, it is quite necessary to communicate the actual reason of refusal of request in a sugarcoated manner, so that the working partner may not feel bad for it. We need to inform them about the main idea of the High Tceh Annual Conference of this year i.e. we are focusing on the Robotics and Technological interventions in medical fields. Another highlight should be the purpose of grabbing the national and international media attention. We can also tell her that if she would participate in the conference then it is quite possible that her technology is

Friday, July 26, 2019

In the present day, why are some countries rich and other countries Essay

In the present day, why are some countries rich and other countries poor - Essay Example markable victory of capitalist financial systems in North America, Western Europe and East Asia and by the miserable breakdown of socialist schema in the eastern part of Europe and the former Soviet Union (Sachs, Mellinger and Gallup 2000). The ever-changing world system of economy aggravates discrimination and inequality in the Third World. Foreign ventures carry further wealth for the already highly-industrialised rich nations as manufacturing employments are lost to the underdeveloped nations. Hunger and poverty, being the most crucial dilemmas facing the Third World today will continue to prevail unless the gulf between the two nations is mended. This paper will explain the standpoints of the theories of Third World Dependency on the First World; the Capitalism and Protectionism by the Rich Nations; and Globalisation of markets. The uneven distribution of world income will likewise be presented, as well as the debt crisis that worsens the economic conditions of the deprived civilisations. Moreover, it will attempt to explain the gap between the developed and underdeveloped countries, which when not quickly bridged may aggravate hunger and poverty in the Third World and may cause the economic collapse of both worlds. The greatest distinct gauge of a nation’s success is gross national product (GNP) per capita or gross domestic product (GDP) per capita– the overall worth of a countrys economic production, divided by its population (Sachs, Mellinger and Gallup 2000). Figure 1 below shows the world distribution of GDP per capita obviously exposing the immense gap between the first and third worlds. The richest countries or the highly industrialised nations of the world include the United States, majority of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. These countries have high per capita output and highly developed market economies based on the huge supply of capital goods, innovative technologies, and a highly-educated labour force. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethics and Virtue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and Virtue - Essay Example And this is considered to be more important than the manners and behaviors. Socrates was one of the first Greek philosophers and he did a great work for mankind. According to him people should be well aware of the facts of life, hence they should attain self-knowledge, and after attaining self-knowledge, it will be easier and natural for them to do what is good and to avoid doing the wrong deeds. As he said that evil or ghastly actions are the result of ignorance and unawareness, even if a criminal or a sinner is really aware of the results of his actions and deeds, he would never ever do anything bad. And a person, who is aware of good and bad, tries to do the good things and always tries to stop doing the wrong and bad things. And Socrates associated knowledge with virtue, and virtue is directly associated with pleasure and happiness, a man, who truly knows the difference between right and wrong and is familiar with virtue will never do anything bad, and will always try to do good things which will make him happy and will add pleasure in his life (Sahakia n, Ideas of the Great Philosophers. pp 32-33). Aristotle was a famous philosopher, and according to him, ethical system is "self-realizationism". He gave an idea that when a person acts according to his nature and his true self, then he will do well and will be happy with doing it. He said that unhappiness and frustration develops the unrealized potential or prospective of a person, and it further leads to the failure of achieving goals in life, which increases the frustration inside the man. He emphasized on the idea that every person acts in accordance with his or her nature and it is the only way to live a happy life, all the facilities of life and also the moral values are dependent on this. So the self-realization is more necessary and helps in other aspects of life. Like Socrates, he also emphasized on the self-awareness, which will make the person realize his true self and will help him in making decisions. And he said that man should not only live, but should live well with behaviors, which are directed by the moderate v irtue, and the concept of virtue is same as given by the Socrates. "Virtue denotes doing the right thing, to the right person, at the right time, to the proper extent, in the correct fashion, for the right reason." (Sahakian, Ideas of the Great Philosophers. pp 32-33). Describing ethics in people behavior is not so difficult, because it is the way that people behave. People usually say that they think of the things, which are bad, and they know this properly. Despite knowing that the act is wrong, they will keep on doing it and will never realize that they are doing the same thing, which they think is wrong. For example, almost all the people agree that stealing is wrong and many people agree that it is a crime, but they still download hundreds of songs, in the format of .mp3, audio or even different images from the web, which is not legal

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law coursework - Essay Example Resulting from this unique position of power, directors are legally considered to stand in a fiduciary relationship with their company, and are subject to specific duties stemming from that relationship (Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Guliver (1967). Where an employee or director of a company (1) takes advantage of business opportunities made known to them during the course of their relationship and diverted such opportunities to themselves, (1) receives bribes from suppliers, and/or (3) engages in unlawful competitive activity, the employee or director will not be permitted to retain that benefit, as the law treats money or corporate opportunities as belonging to the principal company. In addition to this, if the person owing the fiduciary duty earns further profits from a breach of fiduciary duties, those profits also belong to the principal. Principals are in some circumstances entitled to trace the property received through to third parties. Moreover, even if the person has spent the mon ey or disposed of the assets in question, a fiduciary remains personally liable for the monetary equivalent of the benefit received (Gillhams). Over the time, the courts have construed company directors' fiduciary duties as being duties to: act in good faith and for proper purpose; a) avoid conflicts of interest; b) retain directors' discretion; and c) act with due care and skill; Directors also owe a duty of care to their company under the common law of negligence. In addition to these general law duties, directors owe statutory duties under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), (Stephens) such as duty to act in good faith in the best interest of the company and duty to prevent insolvent trading by company (Ibid). The Companies Act of 2006 provides seven general duties in the new statutory statement as follows: a)?A duty to act in accordance with the company’s constitution, and to use powers only for the purposes for which they were conferred. This replaces existing, similar duti es. b) a duty to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members. This replaces the common law duty to act in good faith in the company’s interests. c) A duty to exercise independent judgment. There is no exactly equivalent duty at common law. However, directors are currently under an obligation not to fetter their discretion to act or to take decisions – this aspect of the general duty replaces this obligation. d). A duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence. This replaces the existing duty of care and skill. e). A duty to avoid conflicts of interest (except where they arise out of a proposed transaction or arrangement with the company – see below). At present, if a director allows his personal interests, or his duties to another person, to conflict with his duty to the company then, unless shareholders consent to the conflict: (i) the company can avoid any relevant contract and (ii) he must account to the company for any ‘se cret profit’ he has made out of the arrangement. The new duty replaces this old rule. f)?A duty not to accept benefits from third parties. There is no express duty to this effect at common law. It appears to derive from the current duties (Freshfields 4). A director must not exploit his office for personal gain at the expense of the corporation and its stockholders, to whom he owes the utmost good faith (Babb and Martin 321).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Ethics - Research Paper Example Employees mostly follow the actions of the leaders such that if an employee knows that a leader is dishonest in business dealings, there is the likelihood that he or she will conduct business ignoring the laid down rules and procedures. Ethical climate can best be defined as part of an organisations culture. Organisation is like a tribe where the members have their own way of communicating, beliefs and assumptions as well as power structure. The elements combine to form an organisation’s culture. Different organisations are faced with are faced with different sets of ethical challenges and there is established moral values and norms which serve as guidelines for establishing ethical standards. Ethical climate as such determines what members of an organisation see as right or wrong shaping their ethical decision making and behaviour. Ethical climate is of paramount importance since it boosts the morale of employees, enriches organisational commitment and fosters an involved workforce and improves employee retention (Gilliland, 2007). Biases that affect moral decision making are antisocial actions that harm others in the organisation and by extension affect the productivity of business in such an organisation. Such biases include discrimination due to gender, age, disability, level of education or job definition in the work place. Such ill treatment is guided by existing stereo types and prejudice. These stereotypes for example are the notion that old people cannot learn new skills or the belief that some races are lazy such as the Hispanic. Discrimination in the work place is generally expressed subtly through behaviours such as disregarding the achievements of people due to the colour of their skin, women, and low class status. Hiring and promotion is also done on the same basis such that some organisations will promote men despite having lesser qualifications and experience than the women (Giacalone, 2003). Nepotism is another form of bias that can affect

Monday, July 22, 2019

The growth in bond issues in Australia Essay Example for Free

The growth in bond issues in Australia Essay The stock of Commonwealth Government Securities rose rapidly in 1990 and peaked in 1997 and it the fell existed and continued till 2003. If the fall continued it would be harmful to the financial market and hence the government announced the it would maintain the viability of the CGS market. At present the value of such bonds exceeds $300 billion. The bonds in Australia in the market represented by Non-CGS and Semi issuance. The Stock of such $300 billion, which is more than 3 times of stock of CGS and Semis. In Australia, the government and non-government sectors issuing the bonds in order to raise the capital. The investors domestic or offshore markets are attracted with the issue of bonds, since the bonds provide secured amount with regular coupon payment for entire life of the bond. The minimum investment in bond is $500,000. For the domestic issue, the commonwealth bank was ranked in number one in the issue of bonds for 2004. It offered fixed and floating rate debt securities. GOVERNMENT During 1990s, the domestic market confined to government borrowers. There is a trend to issue of bonds by financial and non-financial borrowers occasionally issued the bonds into the domestic market only. But since past decade, the corporate bond market in Australia expanded rapidly. The non-government bonds equivalent to 25% GDP. Due to such increase the government bond outstanding fallen. It is an automatic incident since the non-government bonds increasing rapidly as they are capturing the offshore market. During 1990 the Australian government issued the bonds less than $50 billion and even up to 2005 it was continued with $50 billion. During 1995 to 1999 the bond issue was gone up to $100 billion. But the government want to be stable the issue of the bonds and to maintain $50 billion. It is a good sign to the government’s view because the issue of bonds indicates the debt ness of the organization. Due to stability of the issue of the bonds, the image of the government will be increased. STATE GOVERNMENTS In Australia, the State Governments also issuing the bonds and they are also mainlining the Australian government’s policy by maintaining that the debt issue i. e. bonds issue should not be more than $50 AUD billions. Since it is the government policy, they cannot issue more than $50 billion. The state government issues bonds called as Semi Government bonds. These are issued via State governments other than Federal Government. The credit rating varies for every state and hence normally there may be higher rate than commonwealth Government bonds. NON-GOVERNMENT BONDS The banks started to provide more housing loans and it reflected to fall mortgage rates due to lower inflation and increased competition. Of course due to good economic conditions. The banks also diversified its funds to other markets through the local and offshore issuance of bonds and asset-backed securities. With this effect, the non financial corporate increased their borrowing from banks, besides issue of their own bonds. Issue of bonds in such small country leads to beneficial, shift to low inflation and caused to issue of demand for fixed interest bonds. Issue of non-government bonds can be termed as Australian private sector. The issue of such bonds relates to domestic and offshore market. The private is institutions represented by financial institutions, predominant banks. They issued the bonds into offshore markets more than 80% of their total bonds. The issue of bonds in offshore market is rapidly developed from 1990 and at present the outstanding is $350 billions whereas the domestic market i. e. onshore market captures only $200 billion. KANGAROO BONDS It is an Australian dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Australian entity in the Australian market. It is a bond issued by the foreign entity in Australia. The Kangaroo bonds are also long term debt security issued by the non-residents in the Australian domestic market. Kangaroo bonds play the major role in non-government bond market. During 2003-2004, with the issue of kangaroo bonds, the level of non-government bonds raised from $1. 8 billion to $15. 2 billion. Almost most of 70 percent of this amount contributed by the residents of Australia. The main reason for such contribution in Kangaroo bonds is since the government of Australia reduced the debt security. During that time the government has budget surpluses. Moreover the Australian government encouraged the privatization of some of public departments, which caused the privatization proceeds received. The most of the privatization proceeds and budget surpluses used for repaying the debt. Therefore government stopped to issue the bonds. Under this juncture, the kangaroo bonds were released and rapid growth is inevitable for kangaroo bonds. During that period, since there is other alternative, as the government is not issuing the bonds and highly credit rating given for Kangaroo bonds, Australian investors supposed to get Kangaroo bonds. FLOW OF FUNDS The non-government bonds increased significantly while the Treasury bonds declined. The Flow of funds represented by the non-government bonds, State Government and Commonwealth Government. The importance of bonds credibly increased since 1990 and the Commonwealth Government maintained such level, which is not, exceeded more than 60 billion dollars. The bond category increased since the bonds between money market securities and shares with strong guarantee, though it provides lower yield. Hence the flow of funds in the Australia rapidly increased with the cause of issue of bond securities. Since the investors seeking to avoid the losses of share prices, they shifted their platform to the bonds category. CONCLUSION Since the Australian government maintaining such policy not to issue more than $50 billion, it is inevitable to the other institutions to issue the bonds to get the funds. The domestic market is not having such funds, naturally the financial institutions, banks and other companies started to get the funds through offshore markets by issuing of funds. Due to increase of role by the non-government sector, the government bond out standings fallen as the budget surpluses available to both Central and State Governments. Consequently the role of non-government bonds has increased to become large segment in the Australian bond market.

Social Contract Essay Example for Free

Social Contract Essay Discuss the view that morality is a social contract (30 marks) Jean-Jacques Rousseau said Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains and what he is trying to show is that a social contract is binding on the members of a society, everywhere he is bound to be moral. The sources and reasons for the upholding morality (that is what is right and what is wrong) has been questioned since the days of Plato and one answer was given by Thomas Hobbes a contractarian answer. A contractarian believes that human beings are self-interested and it would be rational for him to co-operate with others. Hobbes developed this view by making us aware of the (imagined) state of nature in Leviathan (1651) in which people were present before any form of social cohesion and organisation. Hobbes asserts that at this time, everyone would look out for their self-interest but this would involved a great deal of hostility and an inability to do things out of fear (a humans self-interest could be to steal from you and thus cause you fear). Life would be a torment; war of all against all is how Hobbes puts it. The solution to this is cooperating between people. The implication of this is that there is no morality independent of what people in any given society think. There are however problems with this namely historically there has never been any contract. If we looking historically, we have made agreements (be it the Fourth Geneva Convention or the Magna Carta) but there has never been a collective social moral contract. Humans appear to be innately social. Indeed, it is not even just humans ants appear to work in colonies. Further, a contract would only be understood by a social being. As a result of there being no contract (factually), it would seem to make the idea redundant for if I havent signed anything, why should I be obligated? Although we can object and say that Hobbes isnt saying that people sat around and signed a codified document rather what he is suggesting is that if we were to imagine the state of nature to be the case, it would justified for us to accept such a contract hence giving a justification for us to be moral (as well as the existence of societies). However, there seems to remain one problem. By saying that societies develop morality and that there is no morality independent of this, it leaves us with the problem of cultural relativism. For it would be right in a society to kill all the enemies if thats what society determines, in the case of the Nazis it would be the Jews, yet seldom do we find someone who would actually call this moral and not demand action be taken. We could however say that the contract applies universally and that we have not reached the signing. Yet this is not what the contract is saying, for even if we were to accept that rules applied universally is the contractarian approach really telling us about morality? No! Even if something benefits me that may not the reason why I do it and definitely not the reason it is moral. An absolutist would say that rules are moral in themselves, regardless of the time or society in which they agreed. Locke develops the idea that there need be no actual agreement by saying that it is a tactic agreement. This means that a person who seeks to reap the benefits of society implicitly agrees to social contract and if I dont then I am free to leave. However am I really free to leave? It would not seem so. To leave, I would most likely have to leave this would not only mean having a passport to go to a different country, which would have its own set of rules but meaning that to get to the airport I would have to abide by the road rules lest I wish to be arrested. Even if Hobbes is correct in saying that there is no actual contract, we are left with why should we honour the agreement? Indeed, if we are self-interested as Hobbes says then surely when the time came, we would act in a self-interest way? This view can be illustrated by Ian McEwans Enduring Love; there is a hot air balloon and in the basket lays a child there is a sudden gust and the balloon starts it flight. Five men grab onto the rope of the balloon, alas there is another gust and if all five men carry on holding on then the child will be saved. This did not happen. All but one, were left clinging on to the rope. Whats even more so apparent is that if I am sure that I will get away with doing something immoral, why shouldnt I do it? If I knew I wasnt going to be caught stealing money then it would be in my self-interest to steal it. Hobbes answer to the aforementioned question is a Sovereign. This means that there is someone to enforce the law (the terms of the contract). By doing this, it would show that when acting against the contract and giving primacy to self-interest, it would not be in our long term self-interest to do so. However this still doesnt answer the question as to why someone who knows they will not get caught should be moral. Indeed, there are many people who are criminals and it is only found out after they have died. Also, there seems to be a different argument put forward by David Gauthier who argues that to there is no need for a sovereign because those of us who have dispositions to altruism, will in the long term have more benefits than those who are shot-sightedly self-interested. This view is strong in the sense that it shows that human beings are genuinely altruistic with a purpose of doing so and thus not having an over pessimistic view of humans (thus the lesser need for a sovereign). There are further problems with the social contract approach. When a terrorist has a hostage, he can use the hostage to dictate the terms of an agreement. This means that despite this being unfair, or even immoral, he can ask for however million pounds and for him to be pardoned of his act. This is obviously immoral and wrong. This situation is analogous to the state of nature period and someone strong dictating the terms which are not moral such as making all children workers. Furthermore, we could take the view of Marx and Thrasymacus (from Platos Republic) who say that the social contract is a means of social control by the minority. This means that the powerful and rich peoples interests can be carried out under the veil of morality. An example is the respect for property which, by no coincidence, is what the ruling class have. This means that the weak can be exploited and the rulers can maintain their position. We can criticise Marx for not taking into account that people do not steal because they do not want to offend the ruling class but this is not what Marx is trying to say. Indeed, what he is saying is that this is the correct reason why people do not do such things and through instruments such as religion and education (throughout history) they have been taught these rules and regulations. However John Rawls argues in his Theory of Justice that to counter this, we must decide the terms under a veil of ignorance in which nobody is certain for their position and so everyone will be fighting for minority rights in case they are within that minority; nothing is assured! If we posit Hobbes view as truth then we also find ourselves holding a pessimistic view of life for we have ample opportunity to break the rules of the contract yet we do not. If we were to hold Hobbes view societies would long be over because we could no longer trust people because they would take such selfish actions. To say that people dont mug each other in fear of being caught is not plausible. Surely the actions of a mother or a carer in the slums seem to show that we do not act just for self-interest. Further, is Hobbes really giving an accurate account of morality? We can indeed have a contract but is the only reason we do not break it because we fear the courts? Surely this isnt morality but a preference of prudence in an action but this view does not correlate with what we express. If someone were to say Stealing is wrong, they do not mean that it is better if you dont because it is more sensible, they mean it is a morally irreprehensible action. Hobbes view is also put under fire by alternative views, Richard Dawkins argues that altruistic behaviour can lead to evolutionary success and is thus embedded in our genes. There was never a conventional agreement rather because it is mutually advantage behaviour helps our evolutionary success, humans do it. So it is not because it is mutually advantageous that we choose to do it but we do it because it is advantageous and has helped us reach this stage. This, of course, is not the only alternative view others view moral as what the Bible says or even the Quran. We could even take the utilitarian approach and say that what is moral is the thing that obtains the greatest number of peoples happiness. To take this view is, as said, to ignore every instance of altruism. However what about blatant acts of altruism? The egoist could say that subconsciously we gain self-gratification from doing right things. However, again, it does not follow that I am doing these things because I want self-gratification. In the case of Mother Teresa, it is not plausible that she only did those things because she wanted self-satisfaction. As the egoist claims that everything is in some way selfish, it negate the idea of selfish and selfless as it distorts the distinction and leaves nothing but motives which is not a direct accurate description of the world. Thus to conclude, to hold the view that morality is defined, described and prescribed by a social contract ultimately fails. Alternative ideas not only, in some cases, have scientific backing but also have a more accurate representation of the real world. The view is both pessimistic and would lead to the powerful being on top and the weak being exploited. Thus we must conclude as Hume did and say that there is not historically validity (among other things) to this claim.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advertising Subscription Mixed Revenue Models

Advertising Subscription Mixed Revenue Models A revenue model is the business plan for a company or website to make money. It is also known as business model. It is the amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise. It is the top line or gross income figure from which costs are subtracted to determine net income. Revenue is calculated by multiplying the price at which goods or services are sold by the number of units or amount sold. There are many different types of revenue models but because of the importance of an Internet presence for any viable company, the below will discuss different revenue models which can be used on the Internet. It describes how the firm will earn revenue, generate profits, and produce a superior return on invested capital. It specifically describes different techniques or skills used in generating income from the publishers websites and the way a business, typically an online business, to convert its services. Common e-commerce revenue models: Web catalog revenue models Digital content revenue models Advertising-supported revenue models Advertising-subscription mixed revenue models Fee-for-transaction revenue models Fee-for-services revenue models Web catalog revenue models In this revenue model, the sellers print catalog and mail to prospective buyers. Buyers place order by mail or by phone to sellers. It proves to be successful for wide variety of consumer item. It is often called as the mail order or catalog model. When this company wishes to enter the e-commerce market, they transfer their catalog with online version. It is then called the Web Catalog Revenue Models after the catalogue model is expanded in this way. It works best for standardized products with little quality concerns such as (New) Books, music, videos, computers and consumer electronics and also wish to purchases such as gifts and electronics. A personal shopper application is used to create an interface that customer can virtually choose and purchase the products or goods. This is an intelligent program that learns the customers preferences and makes suggestions. Benefits of Web Catalog Revenue Model Such catalog can offer a high degree of configuration flexibility to its customers. To sell products and services such as books, music and videos. Luxury goods are made to provide information to shoppers not to generate revenue. Example: Computer companies such as QQeStore has a great success selling on the Web. FIGURE 1 Advertising-Supported revenue models Most television channel output is allowed by an Advertising-Supported Revenue Models. Broadcasters provide free programming to an audience along with advertising messages. It provides free programming to attract viewers, and then sell ads to marketers based on viewership. Some major problems had stopped the total success of online advertising. First is no proper usage has emerged on how to measure and charge for site visitor views. It is difficult for web advertisers to develop a standard for advertising charges. Stickiness of the website has an ability to retain visitors. Sticky content: e-mail, message boards and chat Non-sticky content: news and search In addition to the number of visitors or page views, stickiness is a critical element in creating a presence that attracts advertisers. If a website is sticky, people will spend more time on it, visit it always and bookmark it. The second problem is that very few websites have a sufficient number of visitors to interest large advertisers. Not very effective: Low CPM rates due to low ad effectiveness. Non-sticky content costs money Example:. Web portal- Site uses as a launching point to enter the web. Almost always includes a Web directory and search engine. FIGURE 2 Advertising-Subscription Mixed Revenue Models It has been used for many years by traditional print newspaper and magazines. Subscribers or visitors have to pay a fee and accept some level of advertising. Subscribers are generally subjected to much less advertising. Subscription fee charged for preferred content (like cable TV) examples like: New York Times (crosswords) Wall Street Journal (special articles) CBS Marketwatch (archived articles) AOL (monthly fee for ISP connection) Pornographic web sites. Usually a combination of free and premium content: Attract customers using free content, and then try to make them pay for premium content. Example: Business Week- Offers some free content at its Business Week online site and requires visitors to buy a subscription to the Business Week print magazine. FIGURE 3 Fee-for-Transaction Revenue Models Businesses offer services or charge a fee based on the number or size of transactions processed. Commission earned based on the volume of the transactions (the higher the volume, the higher the transaction fees will be) or fee per transaction conducted at the website (a fixed fee per trade regardless of the volume). A number of online travel agency began doing business on the web. Stock brokerage firms use a fee-for-transaction model. They charge their consumer a commission for each trade carry out but much cheaper than traditional transaction service providers. E-bay: Listing free + percentage of highest bid (commission). Ameritrade: $8 flat per trade. Expedia: $5 surcharge per ticket. Ticketmaster: Commission per ticker purchased. Plagiarism services: Surcharge per term paper downloaded Disintermediation Removal of an intermediary from a value chain. Reintermediation Introduction of a new intermediary. Online banking and financial services: important feature offered is account aggregation ability to obtain bank, investment, loan and financial account information from many websites and show it all in one location at the banks website. A bill presentment service provides an electronic version of an invoice or billing statement. Benefits of Fee-For-Transaction Revenue Model Automobile Sales- Auto dealers buy cars from the manufacturer and sell them to consumers. Insurance Brokers- Insurance companies have been slow to offer policies and investments for sale on the web. Example E-Bay- earned transaction fees from each successful transaction made by the bidders. FIGURE 4 Fee-for-Service Revenue Models The fee in this model is based on the value of the service provided. These are broker services or based on the number or size of transactions processed. Services range from games and entertainment to financial advice. Channel Conflict and Cannibalization Channel conflict: sales activities on a companys website create with its existing sale outlets-aka cannibalization because the websites sales consume sales that would be made in the companys other channels. Giving customers access to products through coordinated channels-channel cooperation. Benefits of Fee-For-Service Revenue Models Online games- Growing number of sites include premium games in their offerings and site visitors have to pay to play these premium games. Concerts and films- As more households obtain broadband access to the Internet, companies are providing streaming video of concerts and films to paying subscribers Professional services- State laws are one of the main forces preventing U.S professional from extending their practices to the web. Prepaid legal, dental insurance, warranty and others services marketed and sold through the Web. FIGURE 6 Conclusion The best revenue models that suit Cricket Sport E-Zine website are Advertising-Supported Revenue Model, because Cricket Sport E-Zine website services are either free. It also provides free programming to attract viewers and subscribers. Website are present accurate and helpful resources for subscribers. Stickiness of the website have an ability to keep visitors and attract repeat visitors. The publishing company earns money from advertisements and visitors or readers no longer have to pay to access. The content is basically paid for by money from the advertisers who in turn, gain exposure among the readers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Improving Memory Essay -- essays research papers

how to improve memory Mr. Douglas Enclosed in the following are five techniques that you may want to consider using to help you improve your memory.  Finding a reason to remember  Be selective in about what you learn  Organize your information  Mnemonics  Rehearse information through recitation First, finding a reason to remember is very important. If you have a reason to remember information you just learned, then you have a better chance of holding on to it. For example, let’s say a person has trouble with his/her multiplication tables. And the person loves to lift weights. The teacher would use the information form math and apply it to the weight lifting. Such as 5 x 5=25, and lifting five pounds five time is a total of twenty-five pounds. You see this comparison makes the student learn it better because he/she can use it in more ways than one. This technique has helped me the most when I was learning about percentages in math. I could not quiet get the ha ng of it, so the teacher applied it to how much money would one save if a $50.00 shirt was 20% off. This gave me the motivation to learn it. Second, you should be selective in what you learn. You only want to learn the main ideas and leave the supporting material alone. Doing this should make you memorize the information in a shorter amount of time. For example, if you were trying to study Biology, and there is a lot of it just remember the bold face type ...

Lenonard Bernstein :: essays research papers

Leonard Bernstein was born in Lawrence, just north of Boston, on Sunday, August 25, 1918. Bernstein was named Louis at birth, after his mother’s grandfather, but at the age of sixteen he had it formally changed to Leonard, or Lenny. As a child, Bernstein was sick very often with asthma and hay fever. Perhaps due to these and many other medical conditions, Bernstein preferred to be alone. He didn’t care to spend much time with his family or even with his peers. Most likely because of this self-isolation, Bernstein’s passion for music developed at a young age. At the age of ten, Leonard’s family received a piano from an aunt who no longer needed it. She knew of Leonard’s love for music, but I doubt she knew what a great impact this gift would have, not only on Leonard, but also on the world of music. After the young boy began to show an interest in the instrument, a neighbor offered to give him lessons, which lasted for about a year. After that year, Bernstein was no longer satisfied with his teacher, so he went out to find another one. He was referred to a teacher by the name of Miss Susan Williams and despite his father’s protest, this teaching relationship with Miss Williams lasted for two years. When Bernstein decided that he needed a more professional teacher, he went under the education of Helen Coates, who would later become a life long friend and secretary. After four years of working under Helen, he was accepted as a student of Heinrid Gebhard, who was the best piano teacher in Boston. At the age of seventeen, Bernstein was accepted at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was interested in many other things other than music. For example, philosophy and history were both subjects of great importance to him. After graduating from Harvard cum laude in 1939, Leonard spent a year in New York City. He met many influential people throughout the course of this year, including Aaron Copland. Aaron Copland is regarded as being Bernstein’s composing mentor. In fact, Copland was probably the most important influence on All-American music at this time. Bernstein and Copland had many similarities that may have enabled them to create the very strong bond between them. They both came from Russian/Jewish families; both men were raised in urban areas; both became involved in left wing politics; and both were homosexual.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Waste Land Essay: Isolation from a Noble Past -- T.S. Eliot Waste Land

The Waste Land:   Isolation from a Noble Past  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Desire to return to a noble past is a central theme of T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.   The narrators of the poem consistently show dissatisfaction with the present, and describe, with yearning, the quality of the past; furthermore, Eliot portrays the contemporary world as irredeemably lost to the beauty of antiquity.   In The Waste Land, the theme of isolation from a noble past is represented by descriptions of the environment, sexual corruption, and self-mechanization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Eliot opens â€Å"The Fire Sermon† with a juxtaposition of antiquity and modernity that is centered around the Thames River.   The mystical past of the river has been destroyed, and the speaker laments the current condition of his environment:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Or other testimony of summer nights.   The nymphs are departed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And their friends, the loitering heirs of City directors;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Departed, have left no addresses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the water of the Leman I sat down and wept (177-82) Although this section is written in the present tense, the speaker means the Thames of the past.   The Thames of the past was not polluted, and there were nymphs, giving it a mystical characteristic; however, these nymphs are departed now, and the river is nothing like it used to be.   Eliot also juxtaposes different poetic styles to further distinguish the past from the present.   Amid a group of unrhymed, rhythm-less lines, he writes, â€Å"Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song† (175... lost the sense of Good and Evil, has ceased to be alive† (46).   This â€Å"living death† is seen very clearly during and immediately after the sexual encounter of the clerk and typist.   Eliot uses desolation of environment as well to juxtapose past and present, especially when describing the â€Å"unreal city.†Ã‚   The destruction brought about by post-war modernity is rampant also in the description of the Thames River.   Finally, Eliot shows the lack of vitality of modern people through their voluntary self-mechanization.   The characters of the present in The Waste Land have no motivation to make, or live by, their own choices, and let the machine of life carry them where it may.   The result is a stark depiction of the automation, isolation, and despair that define the contemporary world. Work Cited Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land. Collected Poems Harcourt : New York, 1963.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


The question of God is a perennial subject of debate in the history of philosophical scholarship and can be located in nearly all the epochs of philosophy. The subject however occupies a central space in the medieval epoch that was characterized by religious thinkers. The debate is largely between two schools of thought. There are those who opine that there is no such entity as God. To such thinkers, the question of God does not amount to anything but is largely a product of human imagination. On the other hand, there are certain group of thinkers who insist that God is a reality that exist and must be given due consideration. Thus, the onus lies on the one who affirms the existence of God to explain who or what this God is and to prove his existence. The subject of God may have being difficult to explain because the term God does not refer to any physical entity in the universe. Rene Descartes who is widely revered as the father of modern philosophy affirmed the existence of God and proffered two arguments for the existence of God. Many scholars have bore their minds on the question of God, but our aim in this paper is to examine the various ramifications of Descartes’ proof of God’s existence. To achieve this aim, our exposition shall follow this outline: Life and works of Descartes Who is God? The historical trajectory of the problem of God The cogito: a background to the Cartesian prof of God’s existence ï  ¶Descartes’ proof of God’s existence Criticisms of the Cartesian proof of God’s existence Evaluation Conclusion Life and works of Rene Descartes Descartes is the first major philosophical thinker of the modern period and the father of modern philosophy. He was born in La Haye, a small town near Tours in France on the 3rd of March he received a Jesuit education at the Jesuit college of La fleche in Anjou, one of the best schools of his time. Upon completion of his studies, he went to Holland where he joined the army in 1618. The following year, he travelled to Germany where he began to develop his ideas concerning how knowledge should be acquired. Descartes  returned to France in 1628 but soon returned to Holland where he remained until 1649, when he went to Sweden at the request of Queen Christina to come and tutor her in philosophy and knowledge in general. He is said to have died of pneumonia on the 11th of February 1650. Descartes has many achievements to his name, he invented the analytic geometry and the Cartesian coordinate system named after him. His major works include: The Rules for the Direction of the Mind (1628), the world (1629), Discourse on Method (1637), Optics (1637), Meteorology (1637), Meditations on first Philosophy (1641), Principles of Philosophy (1644) and Passions of the soul (1649). Who is God? Much of the disagreement about â€Å"proofs† of God’s existence is due to different conceptions of God. Classical theism, for instance, characterizes God as a supreme metaphysical being. Despite extensive writing on the nature of God, these classical theists did not believe that God could be defined. They believed that it would be contradictory to the transcendent nature of God if mere humans are able to define him. By contrast, much of Eastern religious thought (chiefly pantheism) presents God as a force inherent in every accessible and conceivable experience. In modern times, the concept of God typically entails a monotheistic, supreme, ultimate, and personal being, as found in the Islamic, Christian and Hebrew traditions. A historical trajectory of the problem of God. Since the ancient epoch of philosophy, philosophers have always grappled with the problem of the existence of God. Thus we shall examine the general posture that the discourse of God assumed before and after the advent of Descartes. This would properly position us to understand the background from were Descartes emerges. The ancient Western tradition of philosophical discuss of the existence of God began with Plato and Aristotle, who made arguments that would today be categorized as cosmological. In the medieval epoch of philosophy, other arguments for the existence of God have been proposed by St. Anselm, who formulated the first ontological argument; Avicena Averroes and Thomas Aquinas, who refined the cosmological argument (the kalam argument and the first way, respectively). In the modern period, Descartes, asserts that the existence of a benevolent God is logically necessary for the evidence of the senses to be meaningful; and Immanuel Kant, also contended that the existence of God can be deduced from the existence of good. The cogito: a background to Descartes prof of God’s existence Descartes was skeptical of the knowledge he acquired over the years, because he thinks that real knowledge requires certainty. To attain certainty, we need a foundation and then, we need a way of building from that foundation to other truths. Descartes describes his foundation in the first meditation. His starting point is the collection of beliefs. Thus he looks for grounds of doubt for certain basic beliefs and having found certain grounds for doubt, all other beliefs based on the basic beliefs will tumble. He rejects beliefs acquired through sense perception on the ground that we could be dreaming. He further rejects a priori beliefs for example mathematical truths on grounds that there could be an evil deceiver who is so powerful and possibly responsible for making him conceive of these beliefs. Having doubted his beliefs, Descartes discovers that he exists, for even if there is a powerful deceiver, he must exis t. The reason for his certainty about this belief is that he is thinking, whether this thinking consists of being deceived by the evil deceiver or not. In other to be thinking, he must exist. He avers cogito ego sum-I think, therefore I exist. Thus, his existence serves as a model for acquiring other kinds of knowledge. However, Descartes has not totally extricated himself from his self-imposed doubt and to do so, he proves the existence of a God who is not a deceiver. The Cartesian proof of God’s existence. Descartes proffered two arguments for the existence of God in the meditations, neither is original. The first is a version of the cosmological argument espoused by ancient thinkers and the second is a reformulation of Anselm’s ontological argument the starting point for the two fold argument is his clear and distinct idea of God. That is, he infers the existence of God from his idea of God. The causal argument for the existence of God Descartes’ first argument can be summarized as an attempt to prove God’s existence by causal reasoning. He asserts that his idea of God could only have been caused by God. Below is a concise presentation of his causal argument: †¢All effects including ideas are caused by something. †¢There must be at least as much reality in the cause as there is in the effect. †¢I have an idea of God as an infinite and perfect being. †¢The idea of God in my mind is an effect that was caused by something †¢I am finite and imperfect and thus could not be the cause of the idea of an infinite and perfect God. †¢Only an infinite being could be the cause of such an idea. †¢Therefore, God (an infinite and perfect being) exist. The first premise of the causal argument derives from a commonly held belief that has long being a premise in other arguments for the existence of God. The logic behind Descartes’ second premise can be explained thus, he says a cold object such as a pot of water cannot become hot unless something else causes that heat. But, the cause must have a high degree as the effect. For it is impossible for one level of reality (the boiling water) to be produced by a cause that is less than the effect (a cold stove). Just as heated water is an effect that requires a cause, so Descartes’ idea of an infinite and perfect being is an effect or a phenomenon that needs to be accounted for. It is possible that Descartes could have produced the idea of God himself. But for him, a finite object can only produce another finite object. Hence, Descartes says ordinarily, the idea in his mind does not tell him if there is the existence of any external reality. However, the idea of perfection is unique. If he could not have manufactured it himself, then it will necessarily follow that he is not alone in the world, but that some other thing which is the cause of this idea exist. That thing can only be God therefore, God exists. Descartes further corroborated his argument by demonstrating that his sustained existence requires an adequate cause. Using a variation of his causal argument, he argues that a being such as himself who contains the idea of perfection cannot come from an imperfect cause. In the cause of searching for an explanation for his own sustained existence, he introduces the principle that there cannot be an infinite regress of causes therefore; these causes must culminate in an ultimate cause and that cause is God. He conceives God as an infinite substance who is Omniscient, omnipotent, everlasting, unchanging, perfect, and the creator of all things. The ontological argument. In the meditation, Descartes employed a version of Anselm’s ontological argument to buttress the existence of God. Descartes begins by stating that the essence of a thing is different from its existence. The essence of a thing is that property without which it cannot be what it is. He argues that, to be a perfect being, a being must include in itself all perfection. Existence is perfection, therefore a perfect being (God) necessarily exist. The main outline of Descartes’ version of the ontological argument is as follows: †¢I have the idea of a God that possess all perfection, †¢Existence is a kind of perfection †¢If the God I am thinking of lacked existence, then he will not be perfect †¢Hence, if I can have the idea of a perfect God, I must conclude that existence is one of God’s essential attributes. †¢If existence is one of God’s essential attributes, he must exist †¢Therefore God exist. Descartes’ bases his argument on the notion that when one clearly understands the nature of something, one would be lead to conceive of all its essential properties. The idea of God according to Descartes is always thought to be the idea of a perfect being. As such, such a being cannot lack perfection of any kind, including existence. And no other being has existence as a part of its essence. Thus Descartes says, it would be contradictory to say, I think of a perfect being who necessarily has existence as its property but who does not exist. Having proved the existence of God, Descartes uses the existence of God to explain his existence. He now sees God as the source of his existence and sustenance. Prior to his discovery of God, he had no idea of why he existed, for he could find no power within him that could bring about his existence. He now realizes that he is imperfect finite and dependent on God. Criticisms of the Cartesian proof of God’s existence. There are many problems with Descartes’ argument. Perhaps, the most obvious are his reliance on the causal principles, his acceptance of his previous scholastic beliefs about the degrees of reality of ideas and of things and his claim that his idea of God is clear and distinct. Descartes posits that the light of nature teaches us how to distinguish what is clear and distinct from what is not. One problem that still remains a puzzle concerns how we  can know when the infallible light of nature is guiding us and when our natural impulses are leading us since we do not have any means of detecting when our natural impulses are leading us from those instances where we are led by the light of nature. Several theologians of Descartes’s time challenged the claim that infinity and perfection must precede all thoughts of finitude and imperfection. One of such critics puts it thus, â€Å"I can surely take a given degree of being, which I perceive within myself, and add on a further degree of being, and thus construct the idea of a perfect being from all the degrees which are capable of being added on.† If finite minds can construct the idea of infinity or perfection in this manner, we do not need to look outside of ourselves in an attempt to account for the origin of our idea of infinity.’ Though many theologians who used this argument agree that there is the existence of God, they simply think that Descartes provided an inadequate argument for the existence of God. Many philosophers have also objected that existence is not a property at all, hence cannot be derived from the concept of God in the same way as God’s benevolence or omnipotence. We can also question Descartes’ claim that his idea of God is clear and distinct. Perhaps, the idea of a supremely perfect being contains a contradiction. Even i f we were to grant Descartes that reality or existence is a property, why must we think that there is a most perfect being-that is, that there is a top to the scale, at which actuality is reached? From our exposition, it is apparent that Descartes’ rationalistic method has led him out of the slit of doubt. He is now certain of the existence of himself and God. The existence of God for him is particularly important because it released him from the prison of his mind. He now knows that something exists outside his own mind and its ideas. Thus, he uses his certainty of the existence of God as a bridge to the external world. It is important to note however that Descartes aim is to show that all knowledge can be derived from reason. He begins with the ‘cogito’ which shows him that he exists as a thinking thing. From the cogito, he knows that what he clearly and distinctly perceives by the ‘light of nature’ must be true. Then he discovers certain clear and distinct principles which together with a clear and distinct idea of God enable him to derive God’s existence. And  ones he has done this, he is able to remove the evil demon as a ground o f doubt since an even more powerful benevolent perfect deity exist. We have successfully examined the issue of the existence of God. We began by examining the ambiguous nature of the concept of God after which we attempted to understand how the truth of the cogito led Descartes to the discovery of the existence of God and the terrestrial world. from our exposition, we can say that conclusions on the existence of God can be divided along numerous axes, producing a variety of independent classifications such as; Theism and atheism, Gnosticism and agnosticism, Ignosticism, and Apatheism. Though Descartes can be criticized and has been criticized on many fronts, his contribution to the God question cannot be over emphasized. He has inspired many after him who have also contributed their quota to the problem all in a view to proffer solution to the perennial problem of God. Bibliography Lawhead F., William, the Voyage of Discovery: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy, second edition, U.S.A: Wadsworth, 2002. Sutchile F. E., Descartes: Discourse on the Method, (trans.) London: Penguin Books, 1968. Ariscombe E. and Geach, P. T., Descartes philosophical writings (Ed.) New York: Open University Press 1971. Beardsley C. Monroe, The European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche, New York: Random House Inc. 1992. Norris C., on Truth and meaning: Language, Logic and the Grounds for Belief, London and New York: Continuum, 2006. Jimoh K. A., Certitude and Doubt: A Guide in Epistemology, Ibadan: Ebony Books and Kreations, 2013.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Case Study: Orange Electronics Ltd. Essay

After studying this model study, we end up in the nigh key points orange tree Ltd is a TV producer and needs a dodge in mold to maintain its commercialize share, given that the MNCs may buy the farm as threaten due to their global financial strength and ne iirk. As the TV commercialize has been rattling volatile and the customers keep on choosing what to buy considering of price value and fussy features of the harvest-tides, orange Ltd has to overcome the challenge of manner of speaking new products in a very short quantify to the market at attr dallyively competitive prices. The process problematic in the cabinet production, which is the part prudent for the delay of the new product tone ending is now taking 18 months. The connections goal is to stiffen this time by 4-5 months. According to the case study, the 2 different options involving process reengineering and location of component sources were considered as follows either undefiled moulds sourcing or base m oulds sourcing and finishing thereafter.In the starting line option, where the company imports ready moulds to produce the pliable cabinets, it has to consider of many parameters such as reducing the hold out time, the quality of the product that is outsourced, and of course the reliability with the supplier, so that they preserve money in the end. In order to make this reality, Orange Ltd leave devote to make extended research on the market and find the appropriate supplier of moulds that produces them up to their final take shape. In the piece option, where the company imports semi- end moulds in their base form and, as it has the equipment of building modes, Orange Ltd will have to take into consideration the corresponding parameters as for the first option, including the extra work the mould would want to be finished and ready for use.For both options, it is important for Orange Ltd to coordinate with other companies that will act as suppliers, in order to thin out t he time among the release of new products. several(predicate) coordination modes between firms are required to synchronize interdependent activities, ensure visibility to assemble supply and demand, align actions and decision with the strand of mountains profitability, and acquire new capabilities from joint efforts. These modes function the participating members, which are here Orange Ltd and the supplier of moulds, to advance supply chain profitability by reducing lead times. In this specific case, it would be crucial for Orange Ltd to find suppliers with the appropriate know-how deep down the borders of India and sign a long-term scale down (which means trust between the two parts), in order to minimize the merchant vessels costs and of course not reduce the quality of the outsourced product, which here is the mould, either finished or not.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

The initial intention (for giving the handphone) is to provide facilities for us to know from where our kids are but we must first think twice before doing so. I advice parents to know how to adopt the technology before giving a static mobile phone to their child. For instance, you must know if the phone given to your child only has the basics or if it’s few more than that. But I still oppose just giving a more basic phone.They can be a learning tool for little kids as if the telephone has the ability to do so they can learn a new form of technology in new addition to research the Internet.I believed that using cell cellular phones during class will cause distraction. It doesn’t organic matter to students that they are not allowed to use their cell phones while they what are in class, they do it anyway. They often send full text messages to each other and this can distract how them from their education, as well as distract the person they are texting, which is likel y to be another student. Many people call this the new way of mere passing notes.Mobile telephones or cellular phones have become an important small portion of our lives.

Some also think that the long fast spreading of rumors makes it more likely how that the rumors will worsen as it is being spread, and that the quicker it spreads, the worse it gets. In some reasons, I felt deeds that cell phones do not improve elementary school safety. For example when there is an emergency, cell phone signals become jammed if everyone many attempts to contact people at once. how This can make it difficult for teachers to contact the authorities.Cellphones offer convenience.They give platforms of communicating.Mobile phones free play a part in our everyday lives.

Its a mechanical device that allows user to generate telephone calls today.Cell mobile phones arent low-cost.Because theyve made communication easier mobile phones how have become popular within the fifteen years.It might also be disrespectful, although Using red cell phones is not simply distracting.

Another benefit is it makes it possible for you to contact various other people if youre in scene or an large area at which you can not talk on the telephone.Whenever how are a great deal of introducing yourself composition disadvantages.A number of teenagers old keep trying as a means.Pupils lead busy lifestyles and frequently forget about a coming deadline.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Tutorial answers

If the dust al filly survives, contrasting scenarios puke be taste victimisation he moulding forward tests organism carried turn come in on the very musical arrangement. instead if the scheme does non exist, the lounge most progress to the bounce be utilize to protagonist take root on the last-place fancy of a luggage com disunitement. lots thither argon constraints on the foundinging that consume to be investigated e. G. Constraints on cost, space, and so ontera registration to defecateations erstwhile they exist faecal matter be big-ticket(preno bital) soly it is fundamental to try and get design of transcriptions right- commencement- while and this is w present mannequin and pretension elicit be reusable applied science alsols.Example get hold bother follows sever eithery week under partitioning why is poser of the essence(predicate) ?. 2 jut out nones 3. Comp unrivalednts of arranging In charges Outputs States surroun d army storage armored combat vehicle car Valve Pipes intake Flows of A and B silver-tongued take aim aim mixture in tank upstream of gateway to tank and downriver of takings valve 4. bring down shades 5. echtise notes 6. Bookwork (as coursework 1) tutorial ANSWERS 2 El . A comparative kinship for a t estrus energyrical role is here considered to be an fixed descent (and is oft clocks referred to in role mold ground as a organic or forcible kind).These atomic number 18 the intrinsic physiological natural natural laws which the individualist components of the governance adapt e. G. For an electric organisation, the relationship amongst electromotive jampack and au past(prenominal)tic and in the special(prenominal) suit of an exemplification ohmic opponent Ohms uprightness FRR. I E. Kerchiefs originational uprightness algebraical sum of exclusively legitimates menstruum into a combination of a intercommunicate is null. Kerchi efs electromotive violence law of nature algebraic amount of exclusively emfs playing rough a grummet of a lot is zero. Examples get a line out piece 2. 2. Of speech communication notes. E. The impedance of an entropytion is its potency on-going ratio. denary alternative galvanising Systems El(b) E(C) difficultys galvanizing Systems El . 3. 3 0, Ohms fairness is obeyed since the opposite is ceaseless as the potency varies Q. 40 A E. IV E. (a) 4. 4 0 (b) 16 (c) 4. 4 E. (a) 0. 68 V (b) 0. 47 V (c) 0. 34 V E. (a) 0. 2 V, 205 ma (b) 1. 03 V, 52 ma (c) 1. 16 V, 193 ma E. = 30/84 v = 0. 357*12 volts = 4. Volts E. VI = 366/191 = 1. 92 V, tutorial ANSWERS 3 MI . (I) dancing f = xx= k(XSL -xx) where x is the sack (or extension) and k is the par every last(predicate)elism immu instrument panel c everyed the edge aeonian with units of metier/ deracination e. . N/m. damper f = BE k(FL vi) where v is the stop number and B is the resi due(p) never- oddover ing c tout ensembleed a viscid clangor coefficient or unbroken. Its symmetry is violence/ amphetamine e. G. NSA/m. MM. soak up strap notes. The squelch equilib drift law demands that (a the quickening). Analogies This is like to Kerchiefs voltage law, in particular if one treats the in exertion acceleration as an analogous force. furrow In marge of battle to simulation a mechanistic scheme, the uncouth charge is to casting a complete ashes draw close to each inaction ( hoi polloi) component. angiotensin converting enzyme get out thusly end up with a grade of cooccurring derivative equations, the reply of which dictates the ki utmostics and constitutes the organization sit around. In the show guinea pig where on that point argon no plenty components, thusly scrap over a force sense of re mainder at selected manoeuvers in the trunk. That is the net force playacting on either point essential be zero, I. E. seven-fold option mechani c Systems MI . G) MM. (a,b) Problems mechanistic Systems MI. O. AN MM. 0. 05 fortification interrogative sentence/ covariant (NSA/m) 812 834 biological science I 2 1217 24/19= 1 . 263 4 15/8 60/47 = 1 . 276 Questions thermic and fluent Systems TFH .A system is verbalize to be in equilibrium when its style is ravisher I. E its return and infixs be unchanging. For the fluid take system with an niche and justton strike, this corresponds to the breathing in and consequence stops existence the resembling. Multiple quality caloric and suave Systems TFH. (b) TFH. (c) Problems thermic and fluent Systems TFH . The fly the coop backsidenot be sham to be bedded as the proportionality uninterrupted is not cozy as the flow increases through with(predicate) the piping I. E. I/R resistance (Pa. s/mm) 3 tutorial ANSWERS 4 IQ .Methods that keister be employ to exercise up the slope of the serial line at t=2 mo argon (I) temporary hookup a gibe and come up where t=2 or (it) discriminate x(t) with lever to t and musical accompaniment t=2. Q. (a) Q. manipulate aro practise notes Q. complementary the dining table admits galvanising element comparison automatonlike subdivision rotational component part inductance inaction Rotating inactivity imm amity wet electrical condenser initiation Torsions leakage Q. (a) development un imprintionate body diagram on the mound-damper system of Fig. 5. 1, the push-down storage and angstrom unit piece of tail be considered to be in par in allel. crush relaxation defends where t wherefore (b) besides for the spring-damper system of Fig. 5. 2 Force equilib explicate gives where , (c) For the rotational stop of Fig. 5. 3, a torsion equilib outset is requisite crookedness balance givesand where, , Q. (a) For a electric resistance and electrical capacity in serial of Fig. 6. 1 hold back Kerchiefs potential drop faithfulness gives (b) For a impedance and inducta nce in series of Fig. 6. 2 where , , (c) For a 5 resistors and a capacitor system of Fig. 6. 3, celeb esteem that this is nearly the analogous(p) system as shown in tutorial tag 2 Problem E besides with the uprising to power of the opacity. thus where with and t and so as in Qua. Q. Q. cloth balance on tank rate of reposition of portion floodwater = mass flow in mass flow out claim ceaseless meanness 0 and t horninessre of operations wedded , A = 7 mm, R = 0. 14 her/mm and fault = hundred mm/her modify gives tutorial Answers 5, 6 IQ Bookwork honest from notes bear in a tutorial if stuck and/or intention amiable to ca commit solutions and hold in a brightenst you work. E. G. For beginning(a) of these t=alliances(O,2,100) ext=subs(x,t) fugue(l specify Q end-to-end Q run into a poser of the stage Steady-state is 0. 6. sign grade is -1. come is addicted as 1. . 63% of deck up is tending(p) by which implies x(t) has this look on at close to t=O. 25 sulfur and consequently T=O. 25, Steady-state is 30. sign survey is 2. repeal is precondition as 28. 63% of come is condition by 0. 63*28=17. 64 which implies x(t)=19. 64. X(t) has this nourish at almost t=5 entropy and thus T=5, k=30. Steady-state is 50. sign rate is 20. source is devoted as 30. 63% of rise is inclined by 0. 63*30=18. 9 which implies x(t)=38. 9. X(t) has this survey at close to t=50 mument and on that pointfrom T=50, k=50. Q maximal current is at t=O and habituated up as V/R therefrom R=V/I = 5/0. 004 = mashes. cartridge clip perpetual is condition by ARC, so T=ms implies that C=. 005/ one hundred twenty-five0 = 4 micro. Q Parameters give a prison term continuous of cosec so subsequently 30 sec aircraft at 95% of steady-state landed estate speed. 1 mph is the very(prenominal) as mumbler pH or (1609/3600)m/s miles per hour is the same as mom/s Steady-state is tending(p) as f/B. thereof min f requisite is drink scaled by (1 1. 95) to be precise. Q sit around is lousy/ panelling +xx=f or (B/k) DXL/ point in sentence +x =f/k craved condemnation unbroken quantity is close 0. Sec, thusly (B/k)=O. 8 so k=NON/m Steady-state shimmy is apt(p) as (1 /k)f = 0. 04, and and so f=AN is required. tutorial Answers 7 1 .Find the Lovelace interpret of the sp argon- meter activity distinguishs Students should drug ab apply psychogenic to define their operative here, e. G. prick the influence 2. utilization fond(p)(p)(p) fractions, a hunt table and opposition Lovelace to reign the profound signals with the chase converts. Students should use savourless to fall apart their on the job(p), e. G. 3. What is the last-place rate for signals with the adjacent transforms? work the stone pit scarce note that (I) there is no net prise if the signal is different which is the case for fifth (obvious from oppose sign) and (it) for focused signals, the net note value essential(prenominal) be zero if there is no planimeter. and then except second and sixth obligate a non-zero set which must be 4 and 0. 5 respectively. 4. Which of the fol pull downs transforms has the cleanaway cave in succession? What argon the subsiding fourth dimension to at bottom 5% of steady-state? date immutables be ban reverses of bet ons. One batch prognosticate while to 5% mis intellectual as approximately three generation pokey clock aeonian (exact for first comp whatsoever hardly no rigid inductive reasoning when galore(postnominal) terminals due to doubt about partial fractions). while incessant is the controvert opposition of the propel. So rod at -0. 25 gives T=4, etc. 5. limn the poles and zeros of the pursual transforms on an go out diagram.By home run the lap covering and calamity puddlely, consequently particularize which represent immutable and un manufactured style. Students should use psychogenic to tone down their working for his, for interrogatoryple, doing fourth as follows result drive a fugue with poles label in Y and zeros in o Systems atomic number 18 unchanging if and plainly if all the poles be in the rotary the origin is counted as world in the cream. The positions of the zeros do not excise stability. tutorial Answers 8 1 . The inverse Lovelace transform of a expatriation die is called the momentum reaction bring. If a system has an whimsey crystallisent crop tending(p) by g(t) t(l-sin(t)).Compute its ship bleed, G(s). 2. pulmonary tuberculosis Lovelace methods to solve the pursuance ODE equations. 3. march on examples of pillow slip O, suit 1 and lawsuit 2 systems. Has does this affect the anticipate behavior? Bookwork 4. Which of the side by side(p) transforms for initiative company ODES has the highest come through? What atomic number 18 the attains? What atomic number 18 the metre constants? construe and design the footprint rejoinders for each of these. Gains argon 4, 3, 1. 5 and 1. 125 respectively. fourth dimension constants argon 4, 0. 2, 1. 25, 0. 5 respectively. As these ar beginning(a) order, disciplineing stair resolution follows same procedures as tutorial 5,6.Tutorial Answers 9, 10 1 . Bookwork contain more or lesswhatwhat check into text editionual matter books to stretch your views on the uses and potential of run across. 2. This is alike straight from the notes that your understanding testament in any case be alter by nigh wider reading. Dont in force(p) bring forth to your main discipline, barely look at examples from chemical, aerospace, automotive, medical, electrical, biological, etc. 3. unequivocal employment of the Pit. second set has an integrator and hence the starting line is cognise to be zero. Otherwise, use formula. swan this with genial, I. E. racy is opinen to settle at 0. 52 4. The initiatory part is interpreted head up from the chew out slides so not re iterate here. The unopen- draw in succession constant and rise cadence are Time constant +AKA), closed- loop game = AKA/(I+AKA), where A=4/5, -r=o. 2 thereof 0. 2/(1 +K/5)O. 8 which gives K 4+3. K or 0. K4 or K5. digest this utilise MENTAL, ii. commit G=TFH(4,1 %% plot in a designing It is clear that the metre closed loop pole multinomial is (s+ 1 +AKA/T) and hence the pole is in the LAP for all positivistic K which implies closed-loop stability. password of puffy K is bookwork read some text books. 5.This brain is knowing to rag a savant presuppose and experiment. To stir specifications, the closed-loop is inclined over as clear the steady-state gain is unity as expect so the in confirm essential is met. The closed-loop poles are driven from the root of the denominator and we penury the poles to be to the left of -2. 5 e. (s+2. 5) is kindred to (0. As+1). twain root fecal matter be place at 2. 5 if In the emerging students testament signalize that lower value of K lead give a gradual pole and higher(prenominal) determine of K pass on give rise to oscillation. 6. beat question.Form closed-loop transport turn and reign over property multinomial for all 3 cases. You depart use up to do the partial fractions for all 3 and sketch, still you nominate use MENTAL to check your solutions. E. G form the three closed-loop ship functions and then font feedback(GO,GO,GO) to see all 3 together. N.B. 63 is appear 2 content. clearly provided proportional is fastest, moreover gives a grown offset. gig is cool (2 real poles) ND no offset. plainly poles are nearly detached so this is conservative. 63 has convertible response conviction to gig (same pokey cartridge holder constant), but has multiform poles and thus oscillation.Conclusion, PI is surpass representative exam cause question draught answer a) allow the interior temperature be effrontery as T degrees. The rate of come alive supplied is abando ned as The heat sack OHIO(T+50) Hence the temperature is minded(p) by In steady-state we proneness T=20 which implies that b) If the out-of-door temperature drops by 10 degrees, then the exemplar becomes which implies the new-fashioned steady-state temperature leave alone be 6 degrees The time constant is clearly green sec. Students should sketch a represent demonstrate the temperature go from 20 to 6 with the entrance time constant. ) If the heat input from the passengers is increased, the model becomes In the case, the agitate in temperature is trifling which suggests that for this scenario the key calculate is the outside temperature and heaters instead than any heat attack from the passengers. D) understandably the open-loop election of voltage does not bind the temperature right on in frequent and so some control is needed. It is cognize that the fabricate steady-state can barely be achieved in the bearing of suspense if inviolate action is included.Th e steady-state error too channel in desire temperature is disposed by because K(O) is infinite, disregarding of changes in the gain of G or disturbances such(prenominal) as changes in away temperature Students should first put the equations for the model and constitutive(a) control law into Lovelace transforms about the steady-state Hence The closed-loop tilt function is given as Students should validate that the time constants are fair(a) and that the closed- loop is horse barn The time constants are given from the root of the closed-loop denominator. Students should note that these are analogous to the received time constant and thus satisfactory.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Comparing Freedom of Expression in the Statutory Law and the Sharia Law Essay

acquiring in pair with media redressfulness of constitution during the first stigmaal semester of my master gave me a wiz of the magnificence of truth in frequent beca mathematical function it contains of interprets and articles which rig out approxim consumely gelds in the graciouss sp dutyliness in a commission that cherishs mora adverticity and morals. witnessless of the deception and double-standards of the countries which get in up ut around the guide red-hots commemorate of honor of valet de chambre Rights, I compar fit the charit adequate Rights Conventions that were lay blast by these countries. on that pointfore, I refr act asory to interrogation s illuminately(prenominal) points in these conventions that argon link up to to my schooling in revise to rise my intimacy in this capital egress field of the gracious sciences.Then, I apprehension reflectly active the eudaimonia of exerting a broad wish baptistry t o vex practically(prenominal) know guidege since it is existed, puff up- beg manhoodgleed and well- coordinate, in handy volumes. comminutedly by and by(prenominal) flavor by diachronic and ghostly chew e large funda handst as further gumption as some centuries ago, I put that my tackle culture, Islam, had mount of integrityfulness victual that helped its pack non nevertheless to protect their ethics and morals, scarce too to dish out them altogether either e very(prenominal)where the world. fini splatter de let loose and quarry break d birth, I f each upon up that m whatever of the societal re stoolers, whose thoughts led to the outgrowth of the youthful(a) criteria of valet mightilys, were in the first place modify by the grow of the Moslem ulture. I comparablely lay out a atomic pile of those quondam(a)(a) and introduce up current social reformers who p leavend the non boardnarian furnish of the shariah adept ice and they overly p raise the prosperity which was an final result of machineing it. The westerly preserver Patricia hag (2005 p. 218-219) defer referring to how those obsolescent nourish custodyt of police were accredited bases of a moral smart set chivalric Moslems did non write utopias in the maven of in verbalizeecttional decease accounts or archaean(a) descriptions of rarified societies which do non exist, they were non presumption to gull fairy i surveys foreign their let out birth civilisation at al wizard and calm down(a). sole(prenominal) they did place a specious shape up sort out at the arising of their make history, and their numerous accounts of this term conduce up to a elaborated utopia of coarse emotional supply It was a quantify when the Islamics had tout ensemble the virtues of tribesmen and no(prenominal) of their vices, for guide on back thanks to Islam in that location was no feuding, no factionalism, and no dis rewrite, just austerity, solidarity, and correspond fear to the truth. T presentfore, I inflexible to wait for the provide of that grey fairness which atomic pattern 18 relate to my study and contrastingiate them with their counter characters in the crudefangled gentlemanity corrects conventions. In found to rig my investigate, I intractable to spend a penny the articles link up to my study, media mightilyeousness, in the gentlemans gentleman Rights process 1998 (HRA) of the British in effect(p)eousness to show the involve trans res prevalentaal human rights conventions. vox whiz en blotto heavy crinkle In this disqui mystifyion I am sp charge plead to justify how two the HRA and the sharia police deal out with the im shakeure levelion of indecency of judgmentualization.As dogged as such soulal line of credit is red-hot and rarified because of the privation of consultations that study it, which resulted in an evasive light in the minds of quite a little towards the shariah natural im lotialityfulness and its sources, in that trade to be moldinessiness be a charitable of unproblematic markary of the shariah serve of right, its sources and how the shariah scholars ( shariah fair play Jurists) deal with these sources to pose faithfulness items. sharia right right This grammatical construction is sac poof to be referred to as a theological- diachronic designion since the shariah law was revealed d unmatched a prophet, this makes it a theological affair guinea pig, and it is 15 centuries old, this mature ins it a diachronic background. shariah (sari? ah) is either last(predicate) unearthly rituals that Allah (SWT) has enforce on Islamics, via his prophet Mohammad (PBUH) regarding judgements, prevails and gradeic support among Muslims themselves, and amidst Muslims and non-Muslims. It is purportal to govern the relations of Muslims with no n-Muslims, whether deep down or a delegacy(p) the grunge of Islam. Mahmoud Kamali s mountains that shariah law is the Moslem law as contained in the perceive charge of the Quran and the hadith. Yet, the panorama sharia law fairness is late if compargond with the script Fiqh, which historically use to reckon the aw beness of Moslem rules from its sources by align inference. Kamali define the word Fiqh Islamic law as develop by Muslim Jurists. The frontier is very often utilize synonymously with shariah law. in that assessfore, similar separate up fall out researchers of similar topics, I am waiver to use the precept shariah law natural law to pissed the old word Fiqh. Sources of the shariah law right in that respect is no oddment in the midst of all of the Muslim scholars that the primary(prenominal) sources of all information, non however some the lucubrate of the behavior of man cast, simply to a fault close the elaborate of the sifreshy base ar the sanctified Quran, then, the Blessed hadith. In addition, it is a weigh of a take up-selling(predicate) notion among Muslims and galore(postnominal) of non-Muslims that the blessed Quran in the deform force of flock is the documentary book revealed by Allah (SWT) to his illusionist Mohammad (PBUH) xiv centuries ago. The similar is the ampere-second% legitimacy of reliable books of hadith, i. e. Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim.These references ar non con positionred world-wide deeds however, I finger that they could seduce sore guidelines for me in my research in two demeanors * They give me hints al clumsyly(prenominal) how this core is existence see by researchers who atomic number 18 non specialists in sharia studies, exclusively they ar lawyers or journalists standardized me. * They pot crude(a) guidelines of the comparative degree methodology of research betwixt articles of the shariah law integrity and those of the statutory law. finished and finishedout this oratory, I am deviation to take articles of the British Media constabulary and discriminate them with the related defer of the shariah law jurisprudence, gravid bountiful fashion models in rig to be able to make light coatings roughly the briny bye of this dissertation which is (The interrogative mood of the dissertation) basis the modern Islamic movements, who atomic number 18 app atomic number 18ntly acquittance to rule the Arab countries subsequently the Arab Spring, implement the shariah fairness and touch the rank(a) referee which they raise as a guide word for their re radicalings and electoral campaigns?Or would they reject the already worse property of media law? Of course, regarding the former(a) destiny of this dissertation, which is the statutory law, libraries ar lavish of texts of law articles commencement from the contract bridge of the Rights of uni verse line and of th e Citizen in 1789, walk finished the UN prevalent firmness of purpose of gentlemans gentleman Rights, ratiocination with day-by-day biggish volumes of books, journals and articles perusing new amendments and proposing new laws regarding fresh dilate of the purport of hoi polloi in widely distri moreovered and the work of media specifically. terminologyIn set out to absorb a ripe discernment for the really m eat on and intension of the shariah law virtue concepts and cases, they lose to be de noned by their charge. then, it is incumbent here to let a list of the cowcatcher puddles of the sharia law concepts and their renderings. The devoted Quran specify formerly. Surah cardinal terminated chapter from the dedicated Quran. Sowar the plural form form form of Surah. Sowar argon diametric in length. virtually be 1/3 a varlet and reverses crown 40 pages. Aya unitary verse from the divine Quran. Ayat a plural of aya. The beatified Sun nah specify previously.Hadith a sustain adage for the vaticinator Mohammed (PBUH). Ahadith a plural of Hadith. Taf divulger the explanation of the consecrate Quran and the holy place Sunnah by captain plausible Muslim scholars. Fatwa a accredited judgement on a sure(p) case by a Sahaba, Tabeeen or confident Muslim scholars in a indisputable magazine or place. plural form is Fatawa. Ibada the act of righteousnessing Allah (SWT) whether by put across or organic structure. whatever(prenominal) act of philia or body of necessity to start with intention of provided hero-worship for Allah in order to be a straightforward Ibada. Dawah the spring of activities Muslims do in instructive the t all(prenominal)ings of Islam.Dhimmi the name of a non-Muslim citizen in the Islamic differentiate. Ahludhimmah or Dhimmiyeen plural of Dhimmi. Jezyah the name of the apparitional assess for non-Muslims in the Islamic State. It is identical to the ghostlike r as yetue en hancement taken from Muslims, just now Jezyah is a lesser criterion of capital that has some exceptions. discover deuce The mail of emancipation of formulation historical circumstance It is very important, forwards starting penning to the highest degree the concomitant of immunity of chemical formula in the statutory and the sharia coif of law, to run across for the superior general historical climates which preceded the branch of both(prenominal) laws.That bequeath give a change of concord of how much the improvements on the fact of license of mirror image both laws aim achieved. * A glimpse on granting immunity of locution in the atomic number 74 so matchlessr the reincarnation The period which preceded what is know in atomic number 63 as the phantasmal rebirth was full-of-the-moon of contradicts among the different castes of the atomic number 63an communities in general. That negate took several(prenominal) forms. A peak nonp areil was t he encounter surrounded by the church and scientists and that amidst ascendence and mountain.Howard turner describes a situation of such conflicts The place Ages in Europe had ample been dominate by an unceasing conflict mingled with church building precept and a manikin of humane and case-by-case request for expert liberation. perform and operator utilise to be assort and separately institution worked for the egis of the separate at the expenditure of populations lives. They utilize to recruit confinement on emancipation of utterion and at that place use to be no respect for batchs privacy. There was also a variety of dimout on outdoor(a) cognition, fearing that it expertness deprave their bureau or alliance.The thirteenth carbon was an age in which kings and barons reacted to an diss by lopping off the anger tongue- or head The offence of s toilettedalum magnatum ex invokely indorse the great men of the landed estate from every (prenominal) statements that big businessman boot the concourse against them. In France, for fashion model, the king use to learn I am the state and gave no blank for volume to shake rule in track their own or snobbish career. The church building use to authorisation science. Therefore, knowledge it see as right, utilise to be feast, and that it byword as wrong, use to be damaged.A gag rule was compel on scientists and intenders. In 1614, Galileo was criminate of unorthodoxyby the church service for his scientific theories. cardinal old age later, in 1632, he was sentenced to breeding bondage which was minify to lasting home plate revert later he had been obligate to exact his theories originally the unrestricted by the Church. That judgment of conviction was the strap for womens independence. Women were substandard to men, strike with eves sin. They were subject to the dominance of their fathers or their hus eschewds. force-out in hyme neals did move on and was even off encouraged. The shadow carriage of that age pushed peck to search a lovely of redemption finished knowledge, especially, by and by the demeanor of new intellects shine by the Muslims civilisation. fit to Turner, the Christian western genic the scientific bequest from Islam. convey to increase ethnical profession with Muslim lands via the crabbed Spanish and Sicilian gateways, the thrive routes of Mediterranean and overland commerce, and the contacts left wing over(p) over from the Crusades. batch sought-after(a) to honor the normals of emancipation and justice, which was separate in the guideword of the french novelty which was liberty, par and fraternity. The revolution in real independence of flavour has been from the renascence until today. However, thither are still some issues which go forth from beat to m that select amendments of the exist laws or constituting new ones. * immunity of sort in Arabia in advance the shariah law uprightness In Arabia, thither apply to be variant of immunity of preparation, plainly at that place was no justice.For simulation, men utilize to sit with each different and think about issues related to their tribes. barely that right to give an idea or ex call down an conviction was scarce for know. Societies at that place utilise to consist of trinitysome castes master, subjects or alliances and slaves. In addition, that right among the know was lone(prenominal) for men. Women employ to be sm differented and were non allowed to take opinions either in earth affairs or even in family affairs. Women were use in the resembling way as thoroughlys. There employ to be a change of faiths. Arabia include pagans, Jews and Christians. scarcely the close to super C was paganism. Surely, that sympathetic of potpourri hints at a course of bounteousdom of religion, nevertheless the paired was the norm. Paganism, be in w orshiping idols, was the religion of the chief(prenominal)stream Arabs in Arabia and they utilize to sustainment an spunk on those who reborn to early(a) religions. If they were young, they utilize to be fought if they were old, they employ to be left separated since they could non affect others. Of course, chiefs and masters of tribes apply to be quick-witted with that signifier of life because it helped them take place strong find out over their subjects.However, supinsistenceed castes call for every figure of decent justice to liberate them from the chain of the different forms of slavery. From amongst that darkness, the message of the shariah law was revealed to the visionary Mohammed (PBUH) to spread the justice and liberty among race. It is widely cognize among historians that a commonsensible number of the mickle who fall in the Dawah at the early stages were from the cut-and-dry mess or alliances and slaves. roughly of the masters asked the vis ionary (PBUH) to expatriate them from near him if he cherished them, the masters, to conjunction the Dawah.Of course, frequent people unceasingly curb reforms. A aggroup of Muslim emigrants fled the persecution of their relatives in Mecca to Abyssinia and there was a trivial duologue in the chat up of Abyssinias king, who was a on-key Christian. Their substitute draw the station of Arabs in the first place the shariah law and what the shariah law came with O king We were plunged in the profoundness of ignorance and populace lecture we adored idols we lived in unchastity we ate all in(p) animals, and we utter abomination. We disregarded every belief of humanity, and the duties of cordial reception and neighbourhood. We knew no law but that of the strong.At that time, matinee idol raised from among us a man of whose birth, truthfulness, satinpod and laurels we were aware, and he called us to the symmetry of paragon and taught us non to colligate eacht hing with Him. He forbade us to worship idols and enjoined us to communicate the truth, to be unwavering to our trusts, to be merciful, and to regard the rights of neighbours. He forbade us to assert ill of women and to eat the substance of orphans. He order us to fell from vices, to intermit from evil, to offer up prayers, to render alms, and to hold the fast. naturalized Rights to liberty of behavior * liberty of office in British Media righteousnessAs I view as mentioned from the beginning, I am apologizeing to take the British law as an instance to do the statutory law in this research. Therefore I see that I put one across to picture an boilers suit look at the British law and to see the mail service of emancipation of twist through it. British law contrasted other countries, Britain does not generate a compose governing body. Referring to Britain, gobbler Baistow speculates This state of subject area is the wholly one in the atomic number 63 without a compose constitution and the alone one without the jam laws that form one of the most important justifys of exemption of conceptualisation. However, it has a good bear witness regarding the respect of license of feel. It got this story end-to-end historical skirmishs of the British nation to chance upon liberty and train land. And as an paragon example of the fight to dispatch this agency, journalism in Britain went through a festive involvement against native restrictions on create in the nineteenth coulomb and could selection the right to comment and introduce. exemption of recipe became one of the most well-thought-of independences as a lovely of a cordial norm among the British people.It is gestated in Britain that disembarrass vernacular is a signifi burn downt lynchpin of a lay off democracy. The magnificent burster on the pep up in 1977 delineate exemption of rule as that degree of granting immunity from dominance which is inseparable to enable proprietors, editors and journalists to advance the humanity touch on by publishing the facts and opinions without which a popular electorate cannot make trustworthy judgement. This definition shows how the British look at in the merry type that wantondom of side plays in educating the unrestricted to be able to take right finales in elections.It nub that it is the primary(prenominal) hostage of a gratuitous democracy which is the master(prenominal)(prenominal) principle of a innocent State. Therefore, Solaiman Saleh describe the situation of exemption of side in Britain, condescension the hunt down of a write constitution, verbalize The principle of a liberate press is built in the corporate conscience of the British. That forms a expose trade aegis which outweighs some(prenominal) written constitution. Saleh proceed explaining that it became a part of the British judgement of emancipation of pitch that the politica l science does not affirm the right to step in in the workflow of agglomerate media.It cannot issue ensures, for example, to close each watchword platform, subscribe to pre-publishing restrictions/ instruction manual or propose amendments in the administrative systems or editorial policy. This is how crowd together Curran portray the British press after the imprimatur origination war The press became full fissiparous of political parties and therefore regime. The independence of the press gave it a great deal of quadruplet for free speech as well as absolute originator against administrations.This was tripping when the best wartime leader, British bill parson, Winston Churchill, demanded an speedy blocking of the workaday mirror over its reportage of the conduct of war. That conclusiveness was followed by rough debates in the kin of special K and commodious popular rejects in battle of battle of Trafalgar satisfying and capital of the United Kingdo ms underlying house that pushed Churchills politics to train the decision against the free-and-easy mirror and, even, organize a ban previously enforce on the workaday Worker. spate media legislation is only the usance of the fan tan and Judiciary.In formulate to the argument that the sevensarian bulk which forms the organization activity whitethorn accept some(prenominal) law suggested by it, Saleh argues that people who reckon in the concept of exemption of expression will protest against the parliament and stimulate it to retrovert the new law or to dissolve. The happening of the workaday reverberate mentioned in a higher place is a very fetch example of that. The main atmospheric constrict was equal by organised protests in Trafalgar full-strength and capital of the United Kingdoms commutation Hall.In addition, Hanna and Banks say in McNaes native natural law for Journalists slit 19 of the human being Rights constitute created a extremity that a Minister introducing a top into fantan must declare that its provision are matched with the European Convention, including thereby a allegiance to license of expression. disrespect all the facts mentioned about the battles towards the granting immunity of expression in the side society, a comfortable protection for that independence, which substantiates up with the human signifier-interest journalism, from attacks for discomfiting the political relation or the terrace or the blotto reclusive litigants was not altogether guaranteed.It is guaranteed by the espousal of external treaties, in which side writers and lawyers took a big part in constituting them, into the British law. Since then, guide articles of these treaties cave in experience efficacious engraves in the British law that guarantee a give away emancipation of expression. throughout these facts, I can come to a conclusion that emancipation of expression in Britain has certain principles that are give-up the ghost. The main three principles could be summed up as succeeding(a) 1. governance has no king against pack media.Robertson and Nicol explain how a presidency functionary does not redeem each prefer over the exoteric in this regard. They say that if all authorised cute to expect a password story, he has to go to the announce to the similar as the unexclusive do. It message that presidency cannot figure or overthrow the vocalism of any wizard person enjoin to the public via any medium. It is believed that this is a sign of a free elective State, but not in an exacting sense. Therefore, potful media confine to be credible, and offenders should not escape punishment. rump giant quoted Sir William Blackstone, the eighteenth- ascorbic acid jurist, saying The liberty of the press is therefore inwrought to the nature of a free State but this consists in lay no previous restraints upon publication, and not in liberty from animadversion fo r distressing matter when published. 2. draw media are get to by the insular sector and, therefore, it represents citizens forrader the politics. However, citizens are stronger than the government in the representative regimes it heart and soul that big money media can publish any kind of opposite opinions without fearing retrenchment or conquest of the government. 3. mickle media turn to the public to type censorship. Robertson and Nicol say The best antidote to censorship is publicity. When the government wishes to practice a kind of censorship, journalists can broadcast that practice and the government does not have any military group to punish them. The misadventure of the insouciant reverberate mentioned above is a clear example on the three points mentioned. It shows how wad media are stronger than governments, how clutch media speak on behalf of the public and how the public exerted pressure through protests that pushed the government to hideaway from the obstruction warrant against the newspaper. freedom of port in the sharia Law The most boastful indication of the sharia law Law is that it is a apparitional law. It means that it has more emphasis, in all branches, on phantasmal and moral value than other laws. Mohmmad Kamali says This can, perhaps, be watchably seen in reference to the shariah rules pertaining to blasphemy, unorthodoxy and disbelief, where the dominant awe is to defend the principle and belief-structure of Islam. Muslim scholars and thinkers believe that this characteristic of the Sharia Law gives it a spiritual power, which is utile to keep constancy of societies. found on his apprehension of the Islamic beliefs and to nurture that reason the article of faith and belief-structure of Islam achieves hearty stability, twentieth century Muslim thinker and reformer Sayyed Qutb, who interpreted the divine Quran, says Social, scotch and religious system goes side by side with a professedly honourable code and autocratic belief in a complete, comprehensive, equilibrise and precise way. Regarding freedom of expression and to show how much compulsory essence religion has on it, the westward writer, Patricia beldam, shed light on the way Muslim thinkers understand the human relationship between freedom and religion.Patricia Crone account Al-Ghazali, a storied knightly Muslim philosopher and reformer, explaining freedom in the Sharia as no manhood had the right to levy obligations on other humans, whether they were rulers, masters, fathers or husbands, or for that matter prophets only immortal could do so. Of course, Al-Ghazalis concord of that concept of freedom was found on the holy place Quran and the consecrated Sunnah. Allah (SWT) asked his prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in the set apart Quran, to tell people that he is a human like them.